On the Water And In The Woods

Sea kayaking, sailing, and lightweight backpacking in the-Chesapeake Bay, Mid-Atlantic region

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Island Time

This has not been the summer for kayak camping. Heck, it's not been the summer for kayaking! I did finally manage to get away this weekend. Although I had the permission of the island owner to camp, I had a chance to try out my "stealth" tent - a Golite Hut 2 and Nest bugscreen. It worked well. I pitched it high to let the breezes in, and kept the door open. I do need to use bigger stakes for sand/dunes, as the golite ones were a bit small to hold well. The Nest isn't made for the Hut, but it works well enough for one person. As a "stealth" tent it was great - blended right into the vegetation.

One particular harbor...

The end of a 27 mile day in the trusty old Pisces.

One day there will be a replacement for this boat.


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